Home generalThe cost of a double garage: overview of prices

The cost of a double garage: overview of prices

  • Price Listing - Double Garage
  • Prefabricated steel garage: costs
  • Precast concrete garage: costs
  • Masonry garages: prices

Double garages are a special form of garage that allows the parking of two vehicles or the separation of vehicle and usable space, for example for a workshop or the placement of musical instruments. When choosing a suitable double garage, of course, the costs are an important point next to the dimensions and the location. A cost statement is important in order to facilitate the financing

You have decided to build a double garage and are now interested in what the prices for these could be "> Dimensions of a double garage

Price Listing - Double Garage

The cost of a double garage depends on several factors and can be limited only slightly. This is because there are many items to consider that are included in the construction and therefore need to be considered individually. Alone, the different types of double garages have a strong impact on the price, as many construction companies offer some of the types as a ready-made package and only require extra costs for the foundation. Classic types of double garages include:

  • Steel prefabricated garage
  • Precast concrete garage
  • bricked garages

As you can imagine, solid masonry garages have the highest cost, since prefabricated garages consist of finished parts that are simply put together. For this reason, in most cases, they are offered as prefabricated kits, which are built by the company after the foundation has been built. Nevertheless, not all construction companies have the double garage as a kit. Therefore, the individual items must be explained in more detail, so that you know which aspects you need to take into consideration:

1. Planning and construction management: under this point all necessary planning for the construction of the double garage are summarized. A moderate portion of the cost is used up for this position. The more accurate your idea and the easier it is to implement, the lower the costs will be for you as less planning is needed. As soon as you hire a planning office or a company, you must also apply for the building permit here.

2. Statics: the assignment of a structural engineer is particularly important because the garage has a roof and thus a supporting element is present. In most cases, the structural engineer is quite cheap.

3. Earthwork: earthworks include excavation and the preparation of the soil for the foundation or the floor slab. This is an important step, especially if the terrain is not straight or has poor quality that needs to be balanced.

4. Floor slab and foundation: through this element of planning, the floor of the garage can easily carry the weight of the vehicle. For this reason, this point must not be forgotten.

5. Walls and Concrete Pavement: For masonry garages, this position has the highest cost, as bricks, mortar and much work is needed. In a prefabricated kit, the costs keep this extremely low.

6. Cleaning and painting: Cleaning and painting work are essential for all garages and quite expensive.

7. Carpenter and roofing: also an important point, so that the building structure remains and together with the plaster against the weather.

8. Plumbing: Plumbing work is not always necessary. If you do not want to have water over a tap or sink in the garage, you will save quite a bit of money.

9. Garage doors, doors and windows: together with the electrical installation, the openings are planned in this step. The more doors and windows you choose, the higher the cost, but at the same time the cost of the masonry is somewhat reduced.

10. Electrical installation: Since modern garages often have light sources or automatically operated garden gates installed, additional costs are incurred, but in most cases they are quite low.

For the prices of additional components such as other windows, doors, special electronics or a sink, you must contact the provider itself. This can give you an exact information about these additional items, since these are not integrated especially with the package prices for the finished double garages. In a double garage with masonry something like that is already included in the planning. Typical additional elements can represent:

  • Green roofs
  • additional heating elements
  • brand goals
  • automatic garage opening

In addition, there are always costs for the planning permission for you, without which the construction of the double garage can be classified as not legal, which ultimately leads to a possible demolition of the garage and fines. Building permits vary greatly from state to state. For example, garages in one state do not require approval, while in others they definitely have to be approved.

Building permits are also associated with costs between 1, 000 and 2, 500 euros. Below are now the individual prices for the different types of double garage. For this, a small double garage in the dimensions of 6 meters in length, 3 meters in height and 2.5 meters in width is taken as initial measure. Of course, larger garages cost significantly more.

Tip: additional costs in addition to the above items may be charged to you if you need burglary protection for your garage. This is particularly useful if you want to store a very expensive car or expensive equipment in the garage.

Prefabricated steel garage: costs

The steel prefabricated garage is by far the cheapest variant of a double garage and is due to the low material costs and low weight, resulting in low installation and delivery costs. Despite the prefabricated garage, it is not unstable and offers your vehicles good protection against the weather and possible theft. Due to the simple installation and the availability of the finished parts, only a few items are needed for the calculation:

  • Garage kit: 2, 500 to 4, 000 euros
  • Foundation: about 1, 500 euros
  • Delivery: about 350 euros
  • Assembly: about 1, 000 euros

All in all, you will pay for this form of garage at between 5, 350 and 6, 850 euros . This depends heavily on the package price of the provider and may vary depending on the location. Since a steel kit requires the lowest cost and the lowest effort for the foundation, you can use this form for a cheap new building.

Tip: You can save extra installation costs if you do it yourself. If you also create the foundation itself, the costs for prefabricated kits can be greatly reduced.

Precast concrete garage: costs

The cost structure of a prefabricated concrete garage is similar to a ready-to-use steel garage, since there are also finished parts, which must be built only on the foundation. The package is usually only heavier and requires more time for the structure, which is reflected in the price. The following items must be recorded:

  • Garage kit: 4, 800 to 8, 500 euros
  • Foundation: about 1, 600 euros
  • Delivery: about 500 euros
  • Assembly: about 1, 250 euros

They end up at a price of 8, 150 to 11, 850 euros . Note that building such a garage takes much longer, but in most cases it is more stable.

Tip: if you decide instead of a precast concrete garage for a double wood garage, almost similar costs come to you. The prices for the wooden garages are usually 500 to 1, 000 euros cheaper, depending on the type of wood, and it is usually down to the foundation of a drywall, which keeps the costs a little lower.

Masonry garages: prices

A masonry double garage provides the greatest protection for your vehicles and belongings that you keep there. The erection of masonry is always associated with high costs, which is no different for a garage. For this reason, the individual positions, which are already integrated in the prefabricated kits, must be individually calculated and set up:

  • Planning and construction management: 1, 000 to 1, 200 euros
  • Statics: about 600 euros
  • Earthworks: 1, 000 to 1, 500 euros, depending on the soil and duration of the excavation
  • Floor plate or foundation put: 2, 000 to 2, 500 euros
  • Walls and concrete ceiling: 5, 000 to 8, 000 euros
  • Cleaning and painting work: 1, 800 to 3, 500 euros
  • Carpenter and roofing: 2, 400 to 4, 500 euros
  • Plumbing work: about 800 euros
  • Garage doors, doors and windows: 800 to 1, 200 euros
  • Electrical installation: 350 to 500 euros

They come at the cost of 15, 750 to 24, 300 euros, alone for the garage and the individual assembly work. The cost of delivery varies greatly from provider to provider, as even this "small" double garage can be very heavy due to the delivery of bricks. Here you can save costs if you live in the immediate vicinity of the company, resulting in shorter journeys.

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