Home generalSafely Remove Window-Color - from Glass, PVC, Wood & Co

Safely Remove Window-Color - from Glass, PVC, Wood & Co

  • Material and preparation
    • Tool
  • To remove Window-Color - instructions
    • 1. hair dryer
    • 2. Hot water and / or steam
    • 3. Benzine / bleach

Unfortunately, the beautiful Window-Color images created by dear friends or children fade with time. Depending on the quality of the color, the window images are cracked or appear as if they were somehow bloated. Then it's time to get rid of those little pictures. But that is sometimes easier said than done. Here we show how to redeem Window-Color from the different surfaces.

The self-made images from Window-Color are often amazingly resistant. Unfortunately, your color does not last long in the sunshine. Especially the red color areas are quickly milky or even clear. In addition, the window color dries out especially at south windows and is thereby cracked. On other materials, the Window-Color seems to have sometimes really connected with the underground. Then it can be difficult to get rid of the paint again. How to remove the Window-Color without damage from almost any surface, we show you here.

Material and preparation

You need this:

  • hairdryer
  • sponge
  • bucket
  • water heater
  • Spatula plastic / wood
  • Dough scraper
  • steam cleaners
  • Hot water
  • dish soap
  • benzine
  • nail polish remover
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • bleaching

Cost of removing Window-Color

Although it is sometimes a bit tedious to remove the formerly beautiful window color, it is at least not expensive. Everything that is needed is usually available in the household anyway and the patience that is needed is free. However, you must not lose it, because then scratch or damage the ground and cause in this way costs.


The best tool is next to the hair dryer a spatula from the kitchen. The semicircular plastic discs usually have a bevelled side, which is ideal for the window color and the substrate is absolutely not damaged. Even wooden roasters with their bevelled edges are quite helpful in this type of task.

To remove Window-Color - instructions

There are basically three ways to remove Window-Color. What you should never do is simply scratching with a metal spatula. Not only do you scrub the ground, but you also break down the coherent structure of the window image, making it much harder to remove. Try to always remove the whole picture coherently.

1. hair dryer

The first choice when removing Window-Color should be the hair dryer. Together with a spatula made of plastic or, for example, a wooden spatula, you can even remount the window pictures with the hair dryer. The heat makes even an old picture soft and supple again. First soften the whole picture with warm air. Then focus on where you want to lose weight first and let some more warm air spread over the window color.

With your fingernails slightly under the edge of the image and then lift it gently and slowly gradually. If it does not work with your fingers, you can use a spatula made of wood or plastic. But always wait until the image is soft enough before starting to peel off. No matter if you want to get the window picture or not, it just breaks in, the removal becomes more difficult.

Tip: If you actually want to re-attach the picture, you should moisten the adhesive side with warm water before applying it again with a sponge. If the picture is very dry, the front side needs a bit of warm moisture. So the first little cracks disappear quickly. Then you can install it again on another surface. Without these measures, it would most likely fall down again.

The hair dryer removes the window pictures very well from wood and PVC as well as from glass or plastic. With wallpaper or cardboard, you should also try it first with the hair dryer, because all other variants often leave on these materials more damage than the window picture.

Tip: Some caution is of course required in heavy frost and the heating of windows. Then the task is rather laid in the spring. No matter how ugly the pictures may be, a broken glass is even more uncomfortable in winter.

2. Hot water and / or steam

On glass, plastic or PVC a sponge with very hot water is a good solution. Dab the sponge over and over again on the window picture. Partially, it falls off after a few times of spotting on its own. If this is not the case, you can help out with a plastic spatula. In between, hot water is repeatedly dabbed in between. Window pictures, which were attached to the tiles in the bathroom, you can properly water with hot water.

Tip: Of course you should not use this method on wallpaper or cardboard. Even on wood, the hot water is not necessarily recommended. If the wood has been coated or painted opaque, you can work with a not so wet sponge with hot water but relatively gently. Even the steam of a kettle can help you here.

If a steam cleaner or a steam duck is present, window images can be solved even easier. But if it is just one or two small pictures, the effort to get these devices up and running is not worthwhile. Hot water is then usually completely sufficient. If you warm the water with a kettle, you should take it with you and use the steam from it.

3. Benzine / bleach

Those who are unlucky enough to have a kind of window color that can withstand all attacks can resort to nail polish remover or benzene. The common varieties can be deducted but usually with the above methods.

Tip: For leather or ski covers on the seat or a chair, the Window-Color can partially connect completely to the ground. If hairdryer or steam did not help, you can try your luck with nail polish remover. Benzine has a similar effect, but both are only the last attempt and leave a visible damage in any case.

Unfortunately, however, some window images color the ground. Even white coated kitchen cabinets can be discolored by the window color. Then the actual window image is indeed removed, but the color at least hinted still there. Hydrogen peroxide usually helps here, as is required when dyeing hair. The greater the percentage of the peroxide, the more it bleaches the substrate. First, place the peroxide on a soft sponge or cloth and then gently dab on the discolored area. After a small exposure time, you can carefully wipe off the peroxide again.

Unfortunately, the peroxide does not always work and many a discoloration is not even get out of the ground with chlorine bleach. This often happens with PVC or other soft plastics. Although many of the works of art can be pulled off the glass pane of a window, they leave at least permanent color shadows on the frame. Similarly, this problem is often seen in painted and unpainted wood. Therefore, you should really stick new Window-Color window images only on glass panes. Plexiglas or plastic can also be damaged by these colors. Especially owners of a caravan can sing a song of it, because the windows, as well as the tiles in the bathroom, are made of plastic.

Tips for quick readers

  • do not scratch with metal spatula or knife
  • Soften up with a hairdryer window image
  • Carefully lift a spot / continue to blow dry
  • slowly take off the picture slowly
  • Picture has to be soft enough
  • Use only plastic or wooden spatula
  • on cardboard or wallpaper only hair dryer and spatula
  • warm up and lift off carefully
  • dab hot water with sponge
  • Always moisten picture with sponge
  • Carefully peel off and wet
  • use little moisture on wood
  • Steam cleaner or steam duck for glass / plastic
  • Bleach residual stains on surface with peroxide
  • To soften stubborn stains with chlorine bleach
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