Home Crochet baby clothesNicholas boot for filling tinker - instructions with free templates

Nicholas boot for filling tinker - instructions with free templates

  • Nicholas boots made of paper
  • Make felt boots
  • Rubber boots as Nikolausstiefel
  • Folding napkin boots
  • Crochet or sew Santa's boots

Are you and your children tired of the old Nicholas boots from the past years and the desire for a small change ">

Whether for Santa Claus or for Christmas: With a self-made Santa Claus boot, which can be filled with delicious sweets and other highlights, conjure up your children guaranteed an enthusiastic smile in the face. We will introduce you to various ways of implementing your DIY project. You will find variations of plain paper or felt as well as special ideas with unusual materials. In addition, there is a suitable template for almost every manual. So you save time while crafting and get a great result in any case!

Nicholas boots made of paper

You need this:

  • thicker, red paper (best construction paper)
  • white tissue paper
  • red gift ribbon
  • wadding
  • glue
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • our template
  • printer
  • copy paper


Step 1: Print our original on plain paper.

Click here: Download the craft template

Step 2: Cut out the components of the template - the "mirrored" boot and the elongated "strip" - with scissors.

Step 3: Transfer both stencils to red construction paper in pencil.

Step 4: Cut out the strip and the mirrored boot.

Step 5: Bend the mirrored boot at the folds you see on our template. Also fold the adhesive tabs on the edge.

Note: Now the later boot shape is already recognizable.

Step 6: Close the boot with the elongated element. For this purpose, use adhesive strips. These are to connect the two boot parts in the inner - invisible - area with each other. First attach the strip to a boot inside and then fold the second side over it.

Important: At the top, the Santa Claus boot must remain open so that you can fill in sweets and small presents at the end.

Step 7: Cut off a piece of white tissue paper.

Tip: Do not be too frugal here, because the paper should be fastened right at the top of the Santa's boot and pushed up so that you can tie it after filling.

Step 8: Glue the tissue paper to the top of the inside of the boot.

Step 9: Afterwards, attach some watter around the boot opening - the easiest way to do this is with craft glue.

Step 10: Fill the Santa Claus boot with treats and presents.

Step 11: Hoist up the tissue paper and tie it up with a red ribbon. Finished is the Santa Claus or Christmas boot!

Tip: Of course, you have the opportunity to paint your Nikolausstiefel individually to stick with stickers or otherwise decorate. Concrete ideas that fit for Christmas, among other things, provide you with the following instructions.

Make felt boots

You need this:

  • red felt
  • white felt or plush fabric
  • needle
  • yarn
  • gold band
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • pins
  • our template
  • printer
  • copy paper


Step 1: Print our original on plain paper.

Click here: Download the craft template

Step 2: Cut out the template for the boot and the hem with scissors.

Step 3: Apply the stencil for the boot and hem to the felt in pencil - twice.

Step 4: Cut out the boots and the hem with scissors.

Step 5: Sew the hem pieces to the upper edges of both boot shapes.

But beware: The St. Nicholas boot should remain open at the top, so you should not sew it together. You also have to make sure that one boot tip points to the right and the other to the left. Otherwise you will not be able to connect the two halves afterwards. Follow our pictures to make no mistake.

Step 8: Lay the two boot parts on top of each other and fasten them together with pins.

Step 9: Fold the ribbon into a loop and place it in the top corner between the boot halves. Secure it with a pin as well.

Step 10: Sew along the edge of the Santa boot with little stitches - but not at the top, so that it stays open and can be filled.

Step 11: Fill the boot as you feel like it. Finished!

Tip: If you wish, you can decorate your Santa's boot even further - with pearls, rhinestones, glitter pins or other materials. Do this before loading the boot for Christmas or Christmas with sweets and gifts.

Rubber boots as Nikolausstiefel

You need this:

  • old rubber boots
  • wadding
  • possibly spray paint
  • Sprühschnee
  • Decorative jewelery (eg hanging decoration crystals, sparkling decoration and rhinestones, glitter glue sticks etc.)
  • Craft glue and hot glue


Step 1: Pick up a rubber boot. This should fit in color to the Christmas theme. If this is not the case, it is possible to spray the boot with spray paint. We chose Goldlack.

Step 2: Let the paint dry for 1 to 2 hours. Then spray the edge of the boot opening with spray snow. Let the snow dry for a few minutes.

Step 3: Cover the upper part of the boot with cotton wool. Attach these with a few blots craft glue.

Note: Now the basis has been created to decorate the rubber boots stylish and decorate. In the following we will give you our ideas - but in the end you have the free choice and you can also decorate your Santa with completely different accessories. There is no right or wrong here.

4th step: Now comes the decorating. Apply many matching Christmas accessories to the boot with hot glue - these can be stars, bells, Christmas balls, twigs, cones, orange slices, gift ribbons, borders, lace etc. Already the Santa's boot is finished.

Here you will find the crafting instructions for the Christmas star made of felt: Make felted Christmas star

Folding napkin boots

The perfect Christmas decoration for the table: Nicholas boots made of napkins. These little boots are sugar sweet and really easy to fold.

The detailed instructions for the Santa Claus boot from a napkin can be found here: folding napkin boots

Crochet or sew Santa's boots

They love needlework and have some basic skills in crocheting or sewing ">

The instructions with pictures are here: crochet boots

The classic for the fireplace is the stitched Santa Claus boot. For this you definitely need a sewing machine and a few basic sewing skills.

The exact sewing instructions for a Nikolausstiefel of fabric, we have here for you: sewing instructions

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