Home Crochet baby clothesMarmalade Labels Templates - Free Labels for Printing

Marmalade Labels Templates - Free Labels for Printing

  • Labels for jam jars
    • Rectangular labels
    • Round labels
    • Vintage labels
    • DIY labels
    • Thank you say - DIY Banderole
    • Jam labels for Christmas

You are a fan of homemade jam ">

Whether you want to cook fruits, make chutney or pesto yourself - with such homemade treats it always needs labels. We provide you here with a creative selection of labels and labels - just download the PDF, print it and stick it on.

The PDFs are interactively writable - you can write the respective inscription "apricot jam" or "raspberry jelly" directly in the PDF on the label. This is definitely something for those who are not completely satisfied with their own handwriting. ????

Note 1: The labels can be easily attached to the glass with a glue stick or liquid craft glue. But if you have one, you can print it directly on self-adhesive printer paper.

Note 2: Remove old labels from the glass: simply soak the jam jar in hot water for a few minutes. The paper can then easily peel off.

Labels for jam jars

Whether as a small thank you, as a gift at Christmas or just for yourself at home - jam loves everyone! Here are the labels for download.

Rectangular labels

Download: jam labels - variant 01

Round labels

Download: jam labels - variant 02

Vintage labels

The style of the 50s or even older vintage designs are absolutely trendy!

Download: jam labels - variant 03

DIY labels

Download: Marmalade labels - variant 04

Thank you say - DIY Banderole

You want to say thank you to someone, thank you for gifts for the wedding or Jugendweihe "> jam labels - variant 05

Jam labels for Christmas

Give Christmas delicious jams with homemade labels - maybe a cinnamon scented pomegranate jam or a spicy orange marmalade. So you can definitely wish with love "Merry Christmas".

Download: jam labels - variant 06

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