Home generalJasmine Plant - Basics of Care

Jasmine Plant - Basics of Care

  • Characteristics
  • Location
  • substratum
  • to water
  • Fertilize
  • To cut
  • Winterizing potted plants
  • Hibernate in the bed
  • repotting
  • multiply
  • sowing
  • Diseases and pests
  • Conclusion

With clusters of flowers and bewitching scent, the jasmine plant captivates us. So that the exotic climbing plant unfolds its white and yellow star blossoms, the horticultural yardstick is on a beginner level. Dive into the basics of care around the popular ornamental wood.

Jasmine Plant - Basics of Care

Their lavish star blossoms, accompanied by glossy green foliage, create a paradisiacal scenario in the bed and tub. With its beguiling fragrance, the presence of a jasmine plant announces itself from afar. In order for the picturesque climbing plant in your green kingdom holds court, it requires no elaborate cultivation. Nevertheless, pay some attention to some aspects, so that the exotic flower beauty feels comfortable in the local climate. Explore here the fundamental fundamentals of the care around the opulent olive tree plant.


  • Plant Family of Olive Family (Oleaceae)
  • Genus: Jasmine (Jasminum)
  • More than 200 known species
  • Deciduous or evergreen and woody
  • Minimum temperature: - 5 degrees Celsius
  • Predominantly looping climbing plant, more rarely as a shrub
  • It is native to the tropics, subtropics and the Mediterranean
  • White or yellow star flowers
  • Green pinnate leaves with yellow autumn coloration
  • Black berry fruits in autumn
  • Growth height in culture: 100 to 350 cm

The genus includes known species, such as the real jasmine or winter jasmine. On the other hand, the hardy peasant jasmine (Philadelphus coronarius) does not count. This climber is rather one of the hydrangea plants is also known under the name Sommerjasmin, False Jasmine and European pipe shrub.


The jasmine plant thrives in all its splendor in the sunny place with as many hours of sunshine as possible. In room culture as well as in the conservatory it requires a shade in blazing midday sun, as the glass panes of the window intensify the sun's rays so that it can lead to leaf damage. In addition, the optimal location should have these characteristics:

  • Airy, without cold draft
  • Happy to be protected from pattering rain
  • From March to October ideal temperatures of 18 to 22 degrees Celsius

Planted in the garden, the climbing plant favors a warm location in the security of a wall, hedge or embankment, as long as there is no shadow from there. Experienced hobby gardeners place the ornamental wood in the bucket on the covered balcony near the seat to enjoy the wonderful fragrance.


Apart from winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) and with limited jasmine (Jasminum officinalis), the jasmine plant in our regions is not hardy. In the decorative tub with a climbing aid, the flowering shrubs are thus excellently presented and are mobile for a move to winter quarters. Choose a high-quality potting soil compost-based, enriched with lava granules or expanded clay for a good permeability. The higher the peat , the less suitable the quality, since in this case structural stability is lacking. The requirement for a slightly acidic pH is behind it. Alternatively, follow this request of the plant by adding some peat soil.

In the bed, the decorative climbing plants stretch their roots joyfully in a good garden soil, nutrient-rich, humus and with first-class water extraction.

to water

One of the elementary foundations of the care of a jasmine plant is the balanced water supply. Due to the sunny mind in connection with a high evaporation rate over the dense foliage, you handle it right:

  • Keep the soil constantly moist
  • High moisture is better tolerated than dryness
  • On warm summer days, if necessary, water in the morning and in the evening
  • Direct the water directly to the root area

It is advantageous if collected rainwater or decalcified tap water is available. Both in the bucket under the open sky and in room culture, ice-cold water from the jasmine plant causes shock with incalculable consequences for vitality.

Tip: Regardless of the high water requirement, the jasmine plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Within 10 minutes after each pour, excess water is removed from the planter or coaster.


To produce the dense foliage dress and the lavish flowering, the jasmine plant requires plenty of food. Fertilize every week from April to September with a liquid fertilizer or fertilizer stick. Do not administer the preparation on dried substrate. If in doubt, water with clear water first.

In September, the gift of fertilizer ends, so that the plant can prepare for the coming winter.

To cut

The flowering time defines the time for pruning. Summer-flowering species and varieties cut back in March, while late winter-flowering jasmine has the right time immediately after flowering. In autumn, the flowering shrubs would like to make acquaintance with the secateurs. Carry out this maintenance every year, keep the degree of lignification under control, and encourage flowering. As long as the cut does not go into the old wood, the ornamental plant drives joyfully again. This cut is advised:

  • Shorten too long shoots by up to two-thirds
  • Make each cut just above an outward knot
  • In the same turn, thoroughly dilute the entire plant
  • Poor and withered shoots at the base

If a care and maintenance cut over several years to be missed, the flower is reduced to a few buds at the end of the shoots. Remedy in this case, a rejuvenation cut. However, this should only be set so low that at least one sleeping eye remains on the branch in order to expel it again. Then exercise a little patience, because the jasmine plant takes 1-2 years until the next flowering.

Winterizing potted plants

If the jasmine plant spent the summer in the open air, it moves to winter quarters when temperatures drop. Although a properly maintained plant tolerates short-term frost, it should not be exposed to this strain. So the climber comes through the cold season healthy:

  • Set up in a bright location
  • The temperatures are between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius
  • Do not fertilize from October to March
  • Do not allow the root ball to dry out

Carry a houseplant in a cool, sunny room, like the bedroom. This cool rest phase is important for the flower induction next year.

Tip: If the jasmine plant sheds all leaves in the cool winter quarters, it is a natural process. With the beginning of the next growing season, the ornamental wood again drives out.

Hibernate in the bed

In mild conditions, winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) holds what its name promises and thrives in the garden as a lush climbing plant on a sheltered house wall or pergola. Before the first frost, the following precautions contribute to safe wintering:

  • The root area with Lauberde, straw or Nadelreisig pile
  • The tendrils protect with mats made of reeds or raffia
  • Water a little on frost-free days
  • Do not fertilize from October to March

Depending on the chosen location and the weather conditions, you can look forward to many yellow star flowers starting in December. Covering the shoots with mats is not required in this case.


If the basics of care are heeded, the jasmine plant proves to be extremely vigorous. So it is not uncommon that every 2-3 years the change in a larger bucket is pending. In these steps you do it professionally:

  • The best time is at the end of hibernation following the pruning
  • The new pot is a maximum of 10 centimeters larger in diameter than before
  • Drainage above the water outlet prevents harmful waterlogging
  • Fill the bucket halfway with the substrate to press a trough with your fist
  • Pot the jasmine plant, plant in the middle and sprinkle with lime-free, room-warm water

While a helping hand fixes the plant vertically, gradually fill in the substrate and press it to prevent cavities from forming. A pouring margin of 5 centimeters proves to be useful in a thirsty jasmine plant.

Tip: Experienced hobby gardeners insert an air- and water-permeable fleece between the drainage and the substrate. In this way, no earth crumbs can clog the inorganic material.


If the jasmine plant is fully in the juice in early summer, this is the best time for the offspring of other specimens. With cuttings, the climbing plant is quite easy to multiply. To do this, select not woody and non-blooming, leafy shoots from the center of the plant. At a length of 15-20 centimeters, cut the offshoots between two leaf nodes or as head cuttings. Proceed as follows:

  • Except for the upper pair of leaves defoliate the cutting
  • Insert each cut into two-thirds of a stock with a lean substrate
  • Sprue with room warm rainwater
  • Put a hood over it to create a moist, warm microclimate
  • Set up in partial shade with temperatures around 20 degrees

Keep the substrate permanently slightly damp and ventilate the cover daily for 20 minutes. If all conditions prevail, the rooting progresses rapidly. If first rhizomes grow out of the bottom opening while a fresh sprout emerges, the process runs as desired. The hood has now fulfilled its duty. Once the young plant has completely rooted through the vessel, place it in a larger bucket with the recommended substrate.

Tip: Spinning jasmine cuttings promotes branching and bushy growth. Simply shorten the main drive by a third or half, if it has reached a length of 30 centimeters.


The dark berries of a jasmine plant contain only a few seeds, so that seed in the retail trade is not always immediately to discover. If you cultivate a pure species, the sorted sowing also succeeds with self-harvested seeds. Since these are provided in the pulp with germ inhibition, the seeds should be soaked in chamomile tea for 24 hours before sowing. The procedure itself is then easily done by hand:

  • Fill the seedbed with peat sand, Kokohum or Perlite and moisten
  • Seed the seeds at least 5 centimeters apart
  • At least 1 centimeter thick with substrate or vermiculite
  • In the heated room greenhouse at 22-25 degrees keep constantly moist

Germination takes between 3 and 6 weeks. During this time, the seed must neither dry out nor completely wet. Breaking the seed leaves path through the seed coat, the temperature can be lowered to 20 degrees. Now the growth is progressing rapidly, so that the young plants are soon pikiert in single pots. This is how it works:

  • Pickling seedlings when the first true pair of leaves are above the cotyledons
  • Half fill small pots with Pikiererde, with the Pikierstab a depression into it to press
  • Gently lift out a jasmine seedling with the stick or spoon
  • Insert in the middle and fill with Pikierde until just below the cotyledons

Ideally pour the small jasmine plants from below. To do this, place the pots in lukewarm, lime-free water for a few minutes. Due to the capillary force, the water pulls up to the substrate surface. Place your pupils in the partially shaded, warm window seat. From a height of 30 centimeters is fertilized for the first time and the main shoot beetitzt.

Diseases and pests

If there are any health problems, these usually result from neglect during the care of a jasmine plant. For example, watering with calcareous water causes leaf chlorosis, as it is no longer possible to absorb enough iron via the nutrients. Too intensive watering triggers root rot when waterlogging forms.

If you place the climbing plant too warm in winter, the infection threatens with aphids, lice and lice. Repeatedly spray affected specimens with a mix of lime-free water and a dash of paraffin oil until the pests have disappeared.


The jasmine plant captivates with elegance and magical star blossoms in white and yellow. Pay attention to the basic principles of care here, so that the vigorous climbing plant unfolds its exotic beauty on the balcony and the window sill. The combination of a sunny, protected location and high-quality potted plant soil creates excellent conditions for vital growth. Pay attention to regular watering and weekly fertilization, an annual pruning in spring and a cool hibernation, the cultivation proceeds as desired.

Tips for quick readers:

  • Sunny, rain-protected location
  • From spring to summer at temperatures of 18 to 22 degrees
  • Behind glass with shading in the midday sun
  • Container plant substrate based on compost with low peat
  • Addition of peat soil for low pH
  • Keep constantly moist
  • Lime-free irrigation water
  • Fertilize weekly from April to September
  • Annual pruning in March
  • Cut winter jasmine immediately after flowering
  • Bright overwinter at 5 to 10 degrees
  • Cool wintering essential for the bloom induction
  • Do not fertilize from October to March
  • Do not allow root balls to dry out in winter
  • Repot after hibernation
  • Increase with cuttings in early summer
  • Year-round propagation by sowing
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