Home generalHydrangeas multiply - cultivation of cuttings explained

Hydrangeas multiply - cultivation of cuttings explained

Hydrangeas are often not very cheap, especially if you buy the latest star of the breeders. If you want to decorate huge plots of land, own propagation is often the only realistic option, in the article you will learn how it works. Hydrangea propagating itself is not only useful if you want to decorate your park with hydrangeas. Growing from cuttings is the route to more hardy offspring in rough areas, successfully grown cuttings are beautiful gifts, experience with cuttings is a precondition of any breed.

Increase hydrangeas by cuttings

Tip: Before taking your hydrangea to the shoot tips, it is worth taking a closer look at the plant and the environment, maybe even easier to get new hydrangeas: Some species drive off the side of offspring, you just have to cut off and plant. Old hydrangeas with root diameters of about a meter, which are too powerful anyway for the location, you could share, after leaf fall in October, just with the sharp spade in the middle.

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In principle, the propagation by cuttings but also one of the simpler things in the world:

  • Cut off a shooter in the spring
  • Remove lower leaves so that the force goes into rooting
  • Cut 2 cm at an angle, as in roses, which you place in the vase
  • Shoot stuck in plant pot or garden soil
  • Keep wet and wait

Normally this is enough to create a new plant, but not every hydrangea variety is still properly fit for reproduction. If simple multiplication fails, your hydrangea is probably one of those varieties, and you should use all the tricks that nature and commerce make possible:

  • If the cuttings shoot shows flower bud, remove it as well
  • Even better: Cut the cuttings from non-flowering shoots
  • It contains the most rooting hormones, flowering shoots are supposed to form flowers instead of roots
  • These non-flowering head cuttings are cut about 10 cm long
  • Cut the leaves left in half with the scissors, gives even more power to root
  • Cut the cutting into rooting powder or grazing water after cutting
  • Willow water originates from young willow shoots, which can be chopped into hot water for 24 hours
  • Put the cuttings in a pot with moistened soil
  • Sowing soil or garden soil mixed with sand or lava split
  • Not in water, without soil hydrangeas do not root well
  • Put the jar over it and keep it moist
  • Film hood also works, both are aired daily
  • Set up in a shady spot
  • When new leaves are coming up on the shoot, roots have grown down
  • Maintain in the pot for a while after rooting
  • In early autumn cuttings of good hardy varieties can be planted out
  • Cold-sensitive varieties overwinter in the house and are gradually getting used to the cold
  • If you put several cuttings in a pot and plant out, you quickly have a nice bush

If the propagation does not work with a lot of theater around the cuttings, you could still try lowering it, that is, bend a shoot still on the mother plant to the ground and let it rooted there. Should work well in some delicate cultivars and climbing hydrangeas.

Tip: Hydrangeas may be subject to plant variety protection or patent protection, such as: B. 'Endless Summer', officially Hydrangea macrophylla, Bailmer ', No. PP15, 298 in the US Plant Patent Register. You will often read that you are not allowed to reproduce these hydrangeas. Not quite right, both plant variety protection law and patent law allow multiplication for purely private purposes. However, if you pass on the seedlings several times for a few euros, it would be commercial use, and if you trumpets in the area that you are giving away the most beautiful XY hydrangeas in vain, the patentee could also claim injunctive relief ... Full planting style of your own garden OK, some gifts are not a problem, but you should start your own swing with "free plants", regardless of the price.

And what about seeds ">

Cuttings from clones are no use to you if you want to breed with your favorite hydrangea. Very often there is nothing with seeds, many cultivars were only grown on very large flowers, there should be many gardeners / gardeners who can look better than they can think ... With these selections then remains on the track, resistance, hardiness and often just the winter Ability to properly grow fertile seeds.

Whether and to what extent the small inner flowers are fertile, ultimately depends on how strong in a cultivar nature could still prevail ... and can only be determined by comparison of transmitted in forums experience with a particular variety or simply tried.

Of these, the ecological value of a hydrangea for insects depends, the website www.die-honigmacher.de categorizes Hydrangea macrophylla and Hydrangea petiolaris, but not very optimistic: "Nectar: ​​moderately offered", "Pollen: moderate supply", with the note for garden hydrangea: "The species is available in numerous hybrid forms and varieties. Most of these are transgenic, sexless forms, which are completely uninteresting for pollinators. "(Www.die-honigmacher.de/kurs2/pflanze_220.html).

But there are hydrangeas that form (unprotected) seeds and with which you can breed, maybe you even find a wild hydrangea.

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