Home generalCommon diseases in hydrangeas - brown leaves, what to do?

Common diseases in hydrangeas - brown leaves, what to do?

  • Care error "> Diseases of hydrangeas
  • Pests on hydrangeas

Fortunately, hydrangea-related illnesses are almost a little exaggerated, as hydrangeas rarely get sick. If it does, you may find out in the article what it might be. If the hydrangea looks ill, it can be anything, thank God, not so often a disease. Read what it could be (otherwise) and what you can do:

Care mistake?

Healthy hydrangeas in the right place, in good soil, and given proper care and care - will not get sick, certainly not, certainly not before they are ancient. And that can take a while.

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If necessary, you can plant hydrangeas until early fall. The more in the summer, the more you have to pay attention to adequate irrigation; in the fall it is important that the hydrangea has enough time to root before the first frost.

First of all, you should check what is wrong:

  • Location, too dark or too light (sunny) "> Diseases of the hydrangeas

    There are also diseases of hydrangea, though rarely, brown leaves can cause all of them:

    1. Gray mold, Botrytis mushroom, visible on shoots, leaves, flowers, promoted by moisture and heavy soil. Water hydrangea in the morning, breathe in on the inside, cut off and dispose of affected parts of plants, transplant hydrangea into lighter soil.

    2. Powdery mildew, Oidium hortensiae, covers leaves and flowers with white powder and eventually weakens the plant. Remove plaque daily with water, generously remove spore-infested green and destroy. There are approved fungicides, however, as powdery mildew only infects green parts of plants and relies on living plants (that is, it "treats" its host plant with care), it has to be weighed if the growth of hydrangea or fungicide in the environment is more unpleasant.

    3. Hydrangeas can be attacked by viruses, with all possible consequences. There is no means, plants (root, soil, tubs) must be burned, at the location may not be a new hydrangea. Dealers are advised to take several preventive measures, and you yourself could not do much more than ask your environmental department about the measures you need to take except plant removal, so you'd better hope that your dealer complies with the prevention recommendations.

    4. Hydrangea greening can squeeze the plants, cause excessive budding, yellowing of the leaves and
    to many others. The causative agents are phytoplasmas, bacteria in the size of viruses, which are determined by laboratory tests, control is not possible, plants and substrate must be destroyed, further see 3.

    Tip - We want to inform you well, it also means that you get to know the theoretically possible diseases and their effects. As a practical matter, you should first ask a hydrangea specialist, who, in the opinion of the plant, bluntly tells you whether it's better to pick up a spade.

    Pests on hydrangeas

    1. Thrips and fleas, tiny sucking insects, cause patchy spots or holes in leaves. There are no approved remedies for earth fleas, some rather harmless ones for thrips, but yellow boards and plant strengthening usually suffice.

    2. Root nematodes (roundworms, ovules) eventually damage the roots and occur in soils that are simply finished. Combat: In the garden plant soil care and tagetes next to hydrangeas, in the tub new substrate, for both correct plant nutrition.

    3. Spider mites roll in leaves and can be combated organically by field horsetail (1 part manure to 5 parts water). For the field there are some (even controversial: deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2013/12/18/eu-warnt-insekten-gift-von-bayer-kann-menschliches-gehirn-schaedigen, de.wikipedia.org/wiki / Acequinocyl, de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenpyroximat) crop protection products.

    4. Black-eared weevils eat leaf margins, the larvae eat roots, there are no chemical remedies, combating works in case of excessive feeding damage by hand by collecting. Larvae should either also be collected by hand from the excavated hydrangea root or doused with tansy infusion.

    Tip - The nudibranch also often appears in the pests, especially media love the "Spanish slug", "almost without natural enemies" and for headlines like "The naked horror with snails" well. It does not exist at all, not a single one in Spain. Frankfurt researchers searched and found none and then examined the slugs closer. The whole genus shows colorful gene variance and therefore also colorful colors, but they are all genetically related - and their home is in the middle of Central Europe, so here with us (www.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/sonstige-arten/weichtiere/16884 .html). The researchers suspect the causes of unrestrained snail propagation in the changed agricultural methods of the past decades, the best remedy, however, you can create as a home gardener: a natural garden with many enemies of snails.

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