Home Crochet baby clothesFly plague in the house: effectively distribute flies / houseflies

Fly plague in the house: effectively distribute flies / houseflies

  • Typical fly species in detail
  • Avoid flying
  • Drive away the plague

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You want to drive the houseflies in your living room, which collect every year around your dining table or rob you of sleep? Fly species are probably among the most famous, uninvited guests in their own four walls. Sure, they can not sting or suck blood, but they transmit a lot of bacteria that can get on your food, for example. No matter how big your fly plague is, there are numerous methods to distribute the flying insects and banish for a long time from their own living spaces. It is important to make the right preparations to prevent the insects from settling.

Typical fly species in detail

Houseflies are not the only species of flies that can be found in the German living space and therefore it is important to distinguish them from each other. The following four fly species are typical Central Europe:

1. Housefly (Musca domestica): the housefly is the classic house fly and is native to every region in Germany. With their size of six to seven millimeters, they are not overlooked, but are only the mediocrity in terms of size. The females lay their up to a thousand eggs in decaying food debris and feces of humans and animals, causing them to multiply. Only organic food particles, especially domestic and organic waste, are attacked.

2. Blowflies (Calliphoridae): Blowflies are up to twelve millimeters in size compared to houseflies and often in a metallic hue (green, blue) held. They are less common in cities because they feed mainly on carrion. In the countryside, especially near wooded areas, they are often found and a real plague. They lay their eggs in the carcasses.

3. Flesh (Sarcophagidae): flies also feed on carrion, but also on faeces. As with the blowfly, the meat fly lays its eggs in the food source, the larvae looking for live food such as earthworms. Meat flies are also less common in cities, but due to their size of up to 15 millimeters they are noticeable.

These flies are most commonly found, especially the housefly is particularly annoying because it feeds on waste and does not have to rely on carcasses or droppings. This gives her a big advantage as she theoretically can nest anywhere. But with the right methods and good prevention, the plague is quickly eliminated. This is necessary, the insects can transmit the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis
  • cholera
  • tapeworms
  • salmonellae

Although the risk of infection in a few specimens is quite low, but a large fly plague should never be ignored.

Tip: fruit or fruit flies are also part of the classic fly plague, but must be completely different distributed than the three above-mentioned flies. Since these feed mainly on fermenting foods and drinks, these sources must first of all be eliminated. Find out how to fight fruit flies here: fruit fly trap

Avoid flying

If you want to drive the flies out of your living space, it's all about the right prevention. If you deprive the houseflies of their food base, they can not lay eggs, from which larvae could then hatch. Since flesh and blowflies are usually rather rare guests in their own four walls, especially the prevention of houseflies is considered, since faeces or carrion are typically not stored in the vicinity of people and their living spaces.

The following tips will help you effectively prepare your living space and land:

  • Always cover food, especially of organic origin, whether with a foil or in a bowl with a lid
  • By doing so, you refuse the flies to settle on your food
  • Leftovers, crumbs, always remove residues from cooking immediately
  • do not leave unwashed dishes
  • if unwashed dishes are kept in the dishwasher, they must be kept closed during this time
  • Trash cans, especially organic waste, should be closed with a lid
  • This prevents the flies from getting into the garbage

  • Empty trash can in a timely manner
  • Clean trash can after emptying
  • Keep garbage bins as far away as possible from the house; if this is not possible, not near windows
  • Do not store perishable foods too long; always consume first what happens first
  • For long-term storage, closable containers should be used, since films or bags can rise
  • clean storage cupboards regularly and thoroughly
  • Make a clean apartment, because flies feel better in dirty apartments
  • also clean cracks, crevices, behind and under cupboards, the stove and the dishwasher

  • if you have a cat, you should remove the feces as often as possible
  • Katzenkot attracts numerous houseflies, especially if it is easily accessible
  • The same is true of rodents and rabbits

A classic way to keep Schmeiss-, flesh and houseflies in the house, are mosquito nets. Whether you have a fixed grid in your balcony door or even a net hanging in front of your window, this simple concept works wonders against the pests and is easy and quick to set up. In addition, you can protect yourself through the grids from all other insects such as mosquitoes, moths and bugs that are attracted to the light or your body odor.

Drive away the plague

If prevention is no longer effective against the plague, you should resort to harder means of repelling the flies. Different methods are available to spoil the insects the desire to stay in their living rooms, which can be effective and can be implemented within a short time. Some of the methods are based on home remedies that have been used before to affect the odor receptors of houseflies so that they look for the distance or just do not venture into the living room. The following remedies are recommended:

1. Herbal Fragrance Barrier: Houseflies avoid odors. You can use this to your advantage, because the pestilence takes off many plants that people find pleasant. You may even have one of these plants on the balcony or window sill and wonder why flies never come in through it.

Some types are:

  • basil
  • lavender
  • geraniums
  • tomato plants

In addition, dried lilac blossoms and fresh nettle shrubs can be hung or placed on the windowsill; this has the same effect.

2. Essential oils: actually all essential oils expel houseflies. A particularly good effect is laurel oil, which is simply placed in a bowl and placed in the room near the window. Other oils are lavender oil, eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil, which are either dripped onto surfaces or a cloth.

3. Vinegar: Vinegar is one of the biggest enemies of houseflies. Just put a little vinegar in a bowl and place it centrally in the room or directly on the windowsill or on the balcony. It does not matter what kind of vinegar you use.

4. Build flytacks: they can build a flytrap that works effectively against the flies, but kills them. For the trap you need:

  • honey
  • brush
  • punch
  • line
  • Newsprint strips, 2 - 3 cm wide, not too short

The flytrap is made as follows:

  • punch a hole in the paper strip at one end
  • thread the cord through
  • Apply honey thinly to the strips
  • attach via the cord
  • the honey now attracts the houseflies
  • these stick to the honey and die

Of course, you can deal with the fly plague with a flyswatter. Fly swatters are much easier to use for individual flies, not for the entire stock. The above methods ensure that no fly plague settles, which is the best solution to the problem. Also, chemical means can be used, but houseflies are usually only directly interested in food sources and not on humans. In addition, chemical insecticides are also harmful to your health and should therefore be avoided.

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