Home Crochet baby clothesCleaning windows in cold weather / frost: this is how it is possible in the deepest winter

Cleaning windows in cold weather / frost: this is how it is possible in the deepest winter

  • Best time to clean the window
  • Means for cleaning
  • Clean windows: a guide
  • Dry cleaning

Cleaning windows in winter is not always the easiest task. When opened, they fog immediately and it can happen that the vaporized liquid freezes within a few moments. This also affects the cleaning water, which makes cleaning much more difficult. However, cleaning the windows is not a really impossible task over the cold season, as long as you pay attention to a few points.

Cleaning windows is a necessary form of cleaning that should not be done in summer or spring. Over the winter, dirt can accumulate, which eats into the wood of the window or leaves the windows dim over time. Nevertheless, when cleaning the windows not only the how, but also the when are important. The right time is essential to perform the cleaning in cold and frost, otherwise this has a counterproductive effect on the cleanliness of the windows and window frames. Also, the appropriate cleaning agent, as well as the water used is important to effectively tackle the stubborn winter dirt.

Best time to clean the window

Cleaning the windows in winter should be scheduled as late as possible. During the coldest months, December to mid-February, cleaning should be left out completely, as every drop of water would immediately freeze over this period. In addition, the aggressive cleaners could negatively impact your skin as soon as you do not wear gloves when cleaning. This occurs especially when agents such as alcohol would be used for freezing. It is best to wait until the days are longer and it is at least -5 ° C. Other points why you should not brush the windows in the dead of winter:

  • unnecessarily much energy is consumed due to open windows, as rooms cool down faster
  • Cleaning agents and water can freeze and cause scratches when removed

Precisely for this reason, cleaning in high winter is not recommended. You can save work as soon as you wait for the mild winter days. The only exceptions are bird droppings and soot. Especially bird droppings are due to the substances contained, which can irritate and etch to remove immediately, otherwise it will damage the window frame. Even the windows are not safe from the dirt of the flying visitors and can be damaged by them. Soot is solely due to fires that heat over the winter. If soot reaches the window or frame, brush it off immediately.

Tip: Choose a cloudy day without sun to clean the windows. Since the liquid of the cleaner dries too fast on strong sunlight, streaks occur, which is not the case on a gray day.

Means for cleaning

Since cold and frost affect every cleaner, it is necessary to wait for the warmer days. The following utensils are essential for cleaning the windows:

  • special detergents designed for windows
  • warm water
  • Sponge without scratching surface or cloth or chamois for cleaning
  • Linen or cotton towel for drying
  • special microfibre cloths for cleaning without detergent
  • bucket
  • Rubber gloves as protection against the winter cold
  • Rubber care for openings in the window frame for venting and draining
  • cotton swab

A cleaner with a high alcohol allows cleaning even at temperatures around -10 ° C, but it will freeze your hands and old windows could be damaged by the temperature fluctuations. Therefore, you better avoid this procedure. For different window frames special cleaners and utensils are used, which are perfectly matched to the material of the respective frame. They ensure that the material is not mistreated and thus becomes cloudy or worn. These are:

  • Nicotine cleaner for yellowed window frames that are made of wood
  • Dishwashing liquid or window cleaner for plastic or metal frames
  • Fiber fleece for anodized (matt) aluminum
  • Cleaner with polish for painted frames

Depending on the persistence of the dirt you need a larger amount of cleaning agents. This is another reason why you should absolutely wait for warmer temperatures, as the cold makes it difficult to remove the dirt from sensitive materials. Especially painted wood is to be mentioned here, which often suffers paint damage, as soon as it is cleaned on too cold days.

Clean windows: a guide

Once you have all the cleaning supplies and utensils together and the frost is not so bad, you can start cleaning. Make sure that your pets, children and cold-sensitive plants are stationed in another room on the cleaning day, so that they do not get cold shocked. Of course dog breeds such as huskies have no problem with cold, but it is always recommended to have pets when cleaning not in the vicinity. If you find yourself too cold, wear a jacket or sweater that can get dirty. Then proceed as follows:

Step 1: The principle of cleaning windows is based on one direction. The following applies: from the inside to the outside. First the inner windows and frames are cleaned, then the outer ones. This minimizes the risk of new contamination from the usually dirtier outer pane and the frame.

Step 2: Of course, this also includes all windows, which are located in a heat-insulating window. Count how many slices you have on a window. If there are three panes in the window frame instead of one, they are heat-insulating windows. The middle pane lies between the inner and outer pane and works as additional heat insulation. Here is the order:

  • showing middle pane in space direction
  • center disc pointing outwards
  • Inner pane complete
  • Outer pane inside
  • Outer pane outside

Do the same with the frame. This is cleaned together with the respective window. You can open the window via levers on the inside to get to the middle pane. Remember: first the respective frames, then the panes.

Step 3: Prepare a bucket of warm water first and soak for a few minutes. Do not use cold water, otherwise it may freeze. The outer pane should be soaked a little shorter so that the water does not cool down so quickly. Use this time to clean the frames. As a precaution, put an absorbent cloth under the window.

Step 4: Either use only a window cleaner or a concentrate that is mixed with water. If you use cleaner in a spray bottle, spray the frame and then the glass by eye. Now use a rag or a chamois cloth to wipe off the cleaner and gently rub off stubborn stains so that you do not damage the material.

Step 5: The above-mentioned special cleaners should now also be applied. Do not use a normal cleaner for the aluminum or the varnished wood. Small openings and hinges should be cleaned with cotton swabs.

Step 6: When cleaning with water and concentrate, it is best to use a sponge. As when using a sponge the frost can become very cold, do not forget the gloves here. Immerse it in solution and generously clean the frame and discs.

Step 7: Clean the sponge and the cloths in between. This reduces the risk of accumulated dirt scratching the windows.

Step 8: Then use a soft cotton cloth and dry all windows and window frame. Then treat all rubber parts with rubber care. This works like the car.

Step 9: Then check for streaks, moisture and dirt again.

Dry cleaning

One way to clean even in cold and freezing, presented in microfibre cloths. Microfibre cloths do not use detergents but only friction to release the dirt. However, you must be careful that you use a microfibre cloth, which is specially designed to clean the window, otherwise you risk scratching. Suitable cloths can be found under the name window cloth. Proceed as follows:

  • orient yourself in the above order: from the inside out, first the frame, then the pane
  • Take a cloth in the hand and rub off the dirt with enough pressure
  • This can take a little longer depending on the degree of pollution
  • The cloth does not need to be cleaned during the cleaning process
  • Once the disc is clean, you can wash or dispose of the cloth

If you put on gloves and a jacket, you can use this method to clean windows, even at cool temperatures.

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