Home Crochet baby clothesApply stinging nettle - instructions in 5 steps

Apply stinging nettle - instructions in 5 steps

  • Produce nettle drain
  • Use nettle drain
    • Use nettle stock as fertilizer
    • Use stinging nettle against aphids
  • Nettle pot of powder

Already our ancestors used nettle stock as fertilizer and organic natural weapon against aphids. The preparation of a nettle broth, in contrast to chemical alternatives, a favorable and at the same time biologically harmless method. In the following instructions, we will show you how to prepare stinging nettle in just 5 steps and combat it with this aphid and fertilize your plants.

The broth of stinging nettles can be very useful to you in the garden - in an environmentally sound way, you can use Brennesselsud to combat aphids and other pests that come too close to your plants. However, note that this brew is not a miracle weapon. For this reason, you should still regularly inspect your plants for pest infestation.

This natural fertilizer from nettles is also useful if you want to get rid of annoying weeds - especially the weeds, which you can achieve with tools difficult.

Difference stinging nettle between nettle stock

Before you start making nettle stock, you should read this note. Depending on the duration of fermentation, a distinction is made between stinging nettle and nettle broth. Both variants are a brew of nettles. The difference is that manure has to ferment for a very long time, whereas the broth is ready for use within 24 hours. If you would like to do something about aphids on your plants right away, we recommend you to order nettle broth. This is compared to the manure quick to produce.

Note: Stinging nettle stinks, but helps a lot. Nettle broth, however, does not stink, but helps anyway.

Produce nettle drain

You need:

  • gloves
  • Scissors or secateurs
  • 1kg crushed nettle
  • 10 L of cold water
  • big bucket or plastic container (if possible with lid)
  • whisk

Step 1 - Collect stinging nettle: Collect about 1 kg of fresh stinging nettle for the broth. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your skin from them.

Note: Make sure that the stinging nettle does NOT bloom at the picking time. The flowers may not get into the broth!

Step 2 - Mincing Nettle: Take a stable pair of scissors or pruning shears and cut the stinging nettle small. Then place the small parts of the plant in the bucket.

Step 3 - Add nettle to water: Now pour in the 10 liters of cold water.

Tip: If you want to work with a different amount, just make sure that the parts of the plant in the bucket are completely covered with water.

Step 4 - Attach the nettle drain: Then place the covered bucket in the sun. The heat supports the fermentation process. Now you have to be patient. Depending on whether you want to start a slurry or a stinging nettle broth, the duration of the fermentation process varies.

  • Stinging nettle: fermentation process takes 2 - 3 weeks
  • Nettle broth: Fermentation process takes 12 - 24 hours

Note: Stir the brew regularly with a large stir bar.

Step 5 - Use Nettle Soil: Once the fermentation process is complete (in the case of Nettle, you will recognize it when there is no foam left on the surface), the brew can be used - whether for aphids or as a fertilizer.

Use nettle drain

Use nettle stock as fertilizer

The strong nettle jut should be processed with care, as it stinks. Make sure to use this broth outdoors or in the garden. As a fertilizer, the brew works wonders. It strengthens their plants, such as the tomatoes, other vegetables or the roses.

But do not tilt the manure directly onto your plant, but dilute one pint of nettle stock with 10 liters of rainwater. Only then can the plants be watered.

Durable is the stinging nettle about 2 weeks. After that, you should rather start a new brew.

Use stinging nettle against aphids

The broth made of stinging nettles is not as aggressive as the manure, you can tell by the smell. In contrast to the manure, the broth is almost odorless. The stinging nettle broth can fight aphids, but at the same time protects the plant: like roses, marigolds or nasturtium.


Fill the broth into a watering can and pour the affected plants undiluted.

Tip: If you can influence it, you should water in the evening, otherwise the cast plants could burn quickly in the sun.

Nettle pot of powder

For those of you who want to get to the same result even faster, here is a tip. You can buy nettle powder in specialist shops or online. This ecological product also guarantees you a biologically safe fertilization result.

Tips for quick readers:

  • Nettle with protective clothing
  • Put the nettle and water in a mixing ratio of 1:10 in a bucket
  • Cover nettle stock and place in the sun
  • stir regularly
  • Stinging nettle needs 2 - 3 weeks fermentation time
  • Nettle broth needs 12 - 24 hours of fermentation time
  • Apply Sud for aphids or as fertilizer
  • Dilute Sud if necessary
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