Home Crochet baby clothesMake bascetta star out of paper - folding instructions

Make bascetta star out of paper - folding instructions

  • Material and preparation
  • Step by step instructions
  • Instructional Video

The Christmassy Bascetta star is one of the elaborate handicrafts that give you a lot of creative freedom. In single or multi-colored design, with or without light, the star conjures a cozy and warm ambience. For the handicrafts you need primarily paper, which you fold according to the following instructions and process into a three-dimensional Bascetta star.

Bascetta stars are based on mathematical facts and are a modular origami. Invented by mathematician Paolo Bascetta, this star received the name of the developer with clearly creative thoughts. The illustrated crafting instructions make it easy to fold the star itself and to design it as a decoration in the desired size and color combination. To design the star, follow the tips listed and tinker with each step, piece by piece. If the star is to receive integrated illumination, it is advisable to use transparent paper. Each star has a total of 20 points, which are connected in a uniform arrangement and put together to form an object with a round basic shape.

Material and preparation

Before you start crafting, you need the following materials:
- 30 square folded papers in the desired size and color

As a leaflet are notebooks with a size of 9 × 9 centimeters, or on request in a different size. When you buy square leaflets, you do not need scissors, rulers, or other tools. Bascetta stars are only fixed by a complex connector, so that glue or a similar adhesive product is not one of the necessary materials. Now you start with the preparation and fold the first sheet, which you orient yourself when editing all other sheets and which serves as a template. The correct folding is particularly important here, so you can process as a result of the preparation of all other leaflets according to the instructions and your self-made template.

Tip: If you have not yet made a Bascetta star, prepare two to three more leaves in the preparation and practice the correct fold, as this is crucial for the future optics of the star.

Step by step instructions

1. Take the first sheet and fold it exactly in the middle. The opposite edges must be accurate on each other.

2. Open the folded paper and lay it in front of you so that the fold runs horizontally. Now fold the upper left and lower right corner to the fold line. The tips must touch.

3. Apply the sheet. The folded corners must remain bent.

4. The two parallel, longest sides are now folded toward and along the folded edge in step 1.

5. Turn the slip over again. If you have folded correctly, the paper resembles a parallelogram.

6. Align the folded, reversed slip horizontally with your field of view.

7. Now fold the right, upper tip downwards so that it points vertically downwards. Repeat this process with the left, underneath tip pointing upwards. Fold both tips so that the middle edges are parallel.

8. Turn the slip over. Visually, he now reminds of a rhombus.

9. The two protruding from the diamond shape elements are folded around, that forms an accurate rhombus. The two tips of the rhombus are now folded on each other - it creates a triangle.

The listed 9 steps now apply to the remaining 29 sheets.

Tip: For novice craftsmen, it is advisable to shape the star from a sturdier paper and to choose different colors on top of that. Even if the color itself does not matter when folding, it simplifies the subsequent assembly of the Bascetta star.

Now assemble three of the items, two greens and one orange. For this they must be opened on one side. Insert the unfolded sides into each other to create a three-pointed star.

Make sure that the third element has the construct completely closed. This is how it looks like:

Now add seven more elements in a circle to this structure. Leave everything lying flat on the table with the tips protruding upwards - this will give you an idea of ​​where to place the elements. Again and again, add an element that ultimately the tips always consist of either two oranges and one green part or one orange and two green parts. Once you have done that, the figure should have five points that stick up and lie flat on the table in front of you:

Now complete the flat five ends on the table, each with two other elements.

Once you have done this, continue as follows: now connect two adjacent ends not belonging to the same module and add a third. So again results in a tip of the star. Repeat with all other ends. Then the star should look like this from below:

Now you have five more ends. These must now be closed. Add two elements to one of these ends - a point is created. Now you go round the circle - link the last element, what you have attached to the adjacent element. Add one more thing - now you have a tip. Now continue with the remaining ends.

Tip: You want to illuminate your poinsettia with a light source and use it as a light source ">

Instructional Video

Tips for quick readers:

  • Adjust 30 colored leaflets.
  • Fold a leaf exactly in the middle.
  • Open paper, fold in the upper left and bottom right to the middle.
  • Turn over paper and leave corners bent.
  • Kink corners above the fold along the fold line.
  • Turn the sheet over. Shape corresponds to a parallelogram.
  • Turn folded paper horizontally to the viewing direction.
  • Right half fold upper left half lower straight line.
  • Fold out protruding elements diagonally to the middle.
  • Merge tip angles until a triangle is created.
  • Fold three modules to the pyramid.
  • Add 7 elements in a circle with 5 points pointing upwards
  • Add two elements to each of the five ends = 5 new points
  • connect adjacent ends and add one element = 5 new points
  • Close star = 5 new points
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